Monthly Archives: August 2016

Alan Featherston(TradeMe) On Online OLTP

Register for Nelson SQL Server User Group here:


SQL Server In-Memory OLTP can give you the opportunity to radically speed your applications. The presentation offers a quick intro to how it works, what’s new and some guidelines about good use case scenarios.


SQL Server Hekaton, aka In-Memory OLTP, was released in SQL Server 2014, two years later SQL Server 2016 introduces some changes that might finally help Microsoft reach wider adoption. Every DBA needs to understands how this technology works (not only Microsofts take but the state of the art of in-memory RDBMS) and what to expect when a new project might benefit from it.


  -A basic under the hood understanding of In-Memory OLTP

  -How to monitor and possibly troubleshoot potential issues

  -Understand usage patters

  -What’s new in 2016