From time to time I find myself needing to check on the service account for one reason or another, and I can never remember the correct DMV’s and always go fishing for the details. In the spirit of putting things I keep doing on my blog so I have a place to find them, here is the correct DMV:
and to go a step further this is the code I use:
This should work on any server from SQL 2008 R2 onwards, so hopefully any server you are working on. However if you ARE working on a 19+ year old server, here’s how to do it on SQL 2005 and SQL 2008(and SQL 2008 R2 prior to SP1):
DECLARE @servaccount NVARCHAR(128);
–SQL Agent
EXEC master.dbo.xp_regread
@servaccount OUTPUT;SELECT @servaccount as AGENT_ServiceAccount;
–SQL Server
EXEC master.dbo.xp_regread
@servaccount OUTPUT;SELECT @servaccount as SQL_ServiceAccount;