It Depends

Many, many years ago, I started a blog. It was mostly so I could write some bits of code and findings down because I have a memory like a gold fish and I figured having a record of some of the issues I encountered, and the ways they were overcome might be useful. I thought maybe it was worth sharing this with the world rather than keeping it to myself too, because you know….the SQL community is awesome about telling me the answers to my questions, and if jotting down a few things helps someone else out there solve the problem they are baffled by then…mission accomplished. Because I was a junior DBA when I started my blog, and because I had a habit of asking questions looking for a black and white answer and never received it, I also called my blog “It Depends”.

Many many years later Debra Melkin happened to choose “It Depends” as the title for her TSQL Tuesday blog invitation, and while I was a couple of weeks late to the party, I thought it was a good chance to revisit what is all to often a standard response to any question in the DBA world.

So way back in 2011 Paul Randal wrote a post that stated something along the lines of “The answer to every question in SQL consulting is ‘It Depends’, unless the question is ‘should I enable autoshrink?’ in which case the answer is ‘no‘.” What is so powerful about that post (and to be honest the SQLSkills approach to consulting in general) is that they don’t use “it depends” as a conversation ender – it’s a conversation starter. It turns a question searching for a black and white answer into a list of more targetted questions to find out what the right answer is for you, and for your particular base.

Despite actually naming my blog “It Depends” I try hard not to use the phrase itself, but I do find myself answering questions that could be answered with “It Depends” with 4-5 questions which allow me to give a targeted answer that fits the clients specific environment and acknowledges the business drivers rather than focusing on the specific technical answers to questions.

And with this in mind I (finally) get to my response to Debra’s invitation. She asks specifically about times someone asks a question about SQL which started off with an “It depends” redefinition of the question to find out what the thing they are actually asking about or trying to achieve is, and leads into a rant that may or may not be related. So here’s my rant.

“Your technical skills are not the point.”

This is both my biggest realization and biggest disappointment in my technical career. I think all people who reach the highest level in technical roles have to cross this bridge at some point. In general we cross the bridge with regret and more than a little reluctance, but the sooner we can cross it and get on with our career growth the better. You see for the first part of your career there is a massive wall of technical knowledge that we find ourselves battering against, constantly trying to get technically more and more proficient. But at some point, either independently or because someone higher up the food chain kindly takes us aside and explains it to us, we come to a realization that being technically brilliant is far less important than working our what it is that the business is trying to achieve.

Let’s use a question about availability groups as an example. “Would this work with availability groups?” is the type of question I see asked from time to time. The technical answer can be “yes” or “no” and too often that’s the answer I see given by junior technical people. And they are right, but the problem is they’ve answered the question presented to them instead of working out what question they should have been asked. Why are you asking me about availability groups? Do you want to report off this? Do you want it to be highly available? What is it that you actually want to achieve?

I see business people frustrated with IT slowing them down instead of empowering them. I see technical people frustrated with Salespeople selling things that can’t exist because there are technical limitations and I see developers cobbling together a solution that meets an immediate requirement but then hamstrings the performance of key business systems for years to come. And the reason for all these problems is usually the same. A business question is asked as a technical question, and the technical answer is misinterpreted as a business answer. In other words, people are speaking the language of their role, and no-one is translating.

That is why when you ask a junior if you can do something they will often say “Sure” and they’ll make a change and suddenly you can do the thing you wanted, but when you ask a more senior person the same thing you get met with a seeming wall of questions back.

IT systems are complex, and throwing one switch can often have a string of unexpected consequences. That’s why the more senior a person the more questions you’ll likely get asked before they take any action taken. But business systems can be even more complicated, and technical people need to be aware that ultimately they will not be judged on how perfectly a system is set up, but on how perfectly it meets business requirements and expectations.

I wish it wasn’t so. I wish when a business person asks me something they understood the technologies they were talking about and asked a correctly structured technical question. But the reality is that being the ‘translator’ is often the most critical role that can filled in any project. Getting the tech people to understand the business need and the business people to understand the technical possibilities is a skill that is both rare, and in the end very lucrative. Even if we wish it wasn’t so.

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